GCSE & A-Level Self-Quizzing Tool to Promote Retrieval Practice!

Start Quizzing!

#edutwitter wins! 💪

Regular contributions and updates by Teachers of Twitter. We now have a massive bank and range of questions that covers various levels & exam boards. A massive thank you to the authors for their contribution!

Optimised for in-class projection 🖥

Large text, serif font & minimal look with no logins and easy single link

Multiple Courses & Topics 🗂

Show as many questions from various courses & topics at the same time!

Fast load & refresh 🚀

Our new update feature a very quick refresh when generating questions

Easy shareable link 🔗

Once you generated a set of questions, share the link on your browser to anyone - and the same set of questions shall appear to them as well!

Custom number of questions 🔢

Decide how many questions you'd like to display - all questions across the selected topics are shuffled!

Make quiz on Google Forms 💻

Our new add-on lets you make quizzes with answers built in for students to self-assess themselves

Now available to install!

Add to your lesson slides 👨‍🏫

So you don't have to switch to a browser or another tab. Seamless & sleek!

Coming soon!

Slides Add-on

Quick retrieval worksheets 📄

Automatically create a customisable worksheet with spaces for students' answers. They then can be easily printed or shared online!

Now available to install!

..and more! 📈

I've learned coding a lot by myself making this & I always welcome feedback or suggestions as another challenge for myself! Onwards and upwards!